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HomeMembership Detail
Become A Member/Make A Donation
Member Dues
The Tuskegee University National Nursing Alumni Association membership dues are $50, annually
(July 1 – June 30th of the following year). View our Terms and Conditions

“We came to Tuskegee as we were and left as we ought to be.  Now, it is time for us to give back.”
– Jacqueline D. McCarroll

In addition to paying your annual TUNNAA and TNAA dues, please consider making an additional donation to TUNNAA. Such a donation will enable the Association to better carry out its mission to support the Tuskegee University Department of Nursing and the students who are currently enrolled there.

You may make a donation securely online or send your completed printable donation form with your check or money order. Make checks payable to: Tuskegee University National Nursing Alumni Association or TUNNAA.

Make a quick donation via PayPal here:

Join or Donate by Mail
To Download a Mail-in Membership Form Click Here

Membership and donation for Tuskegee Nursing Alumni
Are you: (Check all that apply) Nurse Alumni
Tuskegee Non-nurse Graduate
TU Eminent Associate
Friend/Family Of Alum
Name* First Last
Address* Street Address Address Line 2 City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code  
Type Of Membership TUNNAA Membership $51.80
TUNNAA & TNAA Membership $87.80
TUNNAA Membership Type
Additional Donation
Donation Amount For Nursing Alumni Association
Apply Donation TUNNAA Scholarship
Support School of Nursing and Advance Learning
How should the Donation be applied
When you click the submit button you will be directed to the PayPal website to complete your payment.